Knowledge Today
What is it like to be silent and not participating just for the fear of appearing a fool is what I tried to experience in the past few days. Sadly thats what I kept becoming every passing day of feigning ignorance.You start loosing confidence subtly and one day you realise how deep you have fallen in the trench you built yourself.
Every day every person is fighting a silent untold battle for survival on this planet.And no
one seems to have the willingness or the patience to stop and help some one in need. The act of

kindness has been epitomosed to a level that has become a monumental entity, which is appreciated no doubt, but never used.
Suketu Mehta's observation on the Mayanagri Mumbai in his book Maximum city is so vivid and bold that you are compelled to take notice of the system that grows and flurishes undrground so silently & efficiently and one day errupt full blown in to our faces . Yet nothing is planned
and thought about, it just happens .The law of power conspires to manifest in different forms
good and bad,moral and immoral.
Peter Drucker , The management guru stresses on the importance of knowledge manage

Technology will give intelligent devices which will be very user friendly without overwhelming
him with infomation overload.Ubiquitous computing/pervasive computing that integrates compution into the environment will be the part and parcel of every day survival to the
point that people will no longer recognise what goes into what they are consuming just like we
take eating a burger for granted, we don't learn any complex methods for eating a burger, do we??? But the same has to be learnt for operating complex machines and systems.Ubicomp technology will make things easier and faster.That means there will be a lot of free time at our disposal. That time will be spent on something that we have not envisioned or left
for some more commercial exploitation. Survival will demand more efficiency.
Efficiency= output/input*100. Man will be satisfied when 100% efficiency is reached. Barriers of imaginations will be shattered . All quetsions will be answered , all solutions will be available, contradictions will become accepted,impossible will become possible , sound will begenerated without vibrations, light will be reflected from a black object and what not.
That'll be the day when truth is realised.Science'll becomes perfect and no experiments will be needed. May be that day we'll reckon gGod.

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