2Jun 06
Its great to address your thoughts to such a large audience.
I take this opportu

OOPS !!! Whats that???
Ladies please don't go out wearing that beautiful salwaar-kameez without a duppatta. No..No let me clearify before you take me as an overtly desi female.... the reason for the request is purely based on asthetic value. That dress looks complete only with that harmless piece of accessory.
You work a lot.... don't flaunt that
Your cracked heels may reveal a lot more than you want to. So puleeze... pay attention to them before loosening the strings of your purse for those sparkling pairs of sandals you last saw and couldn't resist to try on unless you feel like helping the designer.

Men: you thought u'll escape my judgement
Here's bad news for all those out there who don't give a damn about what they wear especially the footwear. Its yuck!!! to see a smartly clad man with the kind of footwear which just doesn't gel with the look. Imagine a formal suit with white sneakers.... definately a turoff or open sandals
in an office.
Banner it not
Agreed you folks could never digets the fact that the fairer sex always was the privledged one to try out any kind of clothes,,,but that doesn't mean that you go out and get all splashed up with colurs all over. Bright pink shirt screaming for attention ... Logos... features.... slogans... u name it & u see it all over there. To see a walking talking banner would be the last thing on any sane girl's mind.
So yeah!!! banner it out.
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